

Participants come away from the PuppeTree experience with:

A greater appreciation of puppetry and performing arts.

Better communications skills.

Enhanced self-esteem.

Better eye-hand coordination skills through learning and practicing a variety of theater crafts.

Skills in community building, because theater is a cooperative activity

A deeper understanding of the particular performance's subjects and themes-such as the Arts, Literature, Music, Science, Math, the environment, and interpersonal relationships/personal development issues. In the case of school children, these residency programs can be correlated with ongoing school curricula to provide a unique teaching vehicle-i.e. Integrated Arts.

Artist in Residence

Creative Dramatics

Integrated Arts


Teacher Training


PuppeTree Home | Programs | Performances | Puppets | About Us | Artist in Residence |Creative Dramatics |
Integrated Arts | Intergenerational Programs | Teacher Training | Workshops | Theatre Crafts

The PuppeTree c/o Ann Legunn •P.O. Box 130 Post Mills, VT 05058
(802) 785-3031• email